Visiting Student Electives
An increasingly important component of any American medical or nursing school experience is a fourth-year rotation at an international institution. The Foundation is a resource for medical students who are thinking of visiting CMC.
There are currently hundreds of international medical students who travel to CMC in Vellore for a fourth-year elective or residency observership. Our role is one of service, both to the student and CMC. We are happy to provide:
- Forms and directions for applying to CMC
- General information about CMC and travel to India
- Help navigating the website
- Space in our newsletter and website for writing and photographs
A Weill Cornell Medical Student at CMC
In her blog, Weill Cornell Medical Student Caitlyn Hoffman (pictured above) wrote:
“It is difficult, seeing such an incredible volume of patients with progressive disease, not to feel that this effort is futile. Watching these pediatricians work, however, I am beginning to understand what fuels their incredible generosity and unquestioning work ethic.”
The sincere gratitude of the patients and the overwhelming need of these children that can be alleviated by simple treatment measures creates an incredibly rewarding and motivating practice. They all admit that it is exhausting, but they return every morning to the staggering throng of patients with smiles, energy, and patience.”
Ms. Hoffman presented a poster of her research after she spent four weeks in Vellore. The Scudder International Fellowships are funded by a Weill Cornell benefactor in honor of one of their most famous alumni, Ida S. Scudder.
“This day was extremely rewarding because at least 100 patients were seen in their own community and are kept in check to avoid any preventable complications,” said Caitlyn.
“The team starts the work day with a prayer. They meet in a room and assign a bible verse lecture to an intern and the team is asked to meditate on the verse. These rituals are relevant to becoming a better person and increasing faith. There is always something to be learned if we just open our eyes and look for the opportunity.”