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Ms. Aleyamma Kuruvilla Nursing Scholarship Campaign – Another Resounding Success!

The Foundation is thrilled to announce the successful completion of its 2022 Ms. Aleyamma Kuruvilla Nursing Scholarships Campaign – and we couldn’t have done it without you! Through the generous contributions of United Women in Faith, the nursing alumni community, and other friends, we surpassed our goal of raising $50,000 for twenty full three- or four-year scholarships to CMC’s College of Nursing (CON).

On January 5, 2023, the twenty new scholarship recipients were among the 196 first-year nursing students to participate in CMC’S Florence Nightingale Lamp Lighting Ceremony at CON. Lamps lit by the faculty, which were first presented to the College by founder Dr. Ida Scudder, were then passed onto the students who have decided to dedicate their lives to the noble profession of Nursing.

Since 2019, the Foundation has awarded a total of 57 deserving students with full scholarships for a four-year Bachelor of Science or a three-year Diploma in Nursing. Each one of the young women selected by the College of Nursing (CON) is focused and academically driven, and with the financial assistance provided to them through these scholarships, they will be able to benefit from the outstanding educational and spiritual guidance provided to them by CON. The support from our donor community will make a huge difference in the lives of these students.

The College of Nursing seeks to educate compassionate nurses with clinical expertise in caring for individuals, families, and communities, providing healing and hope in urban, rural, and tribal areas in India and beyond. With your support and commitment, the Vellore CMC Foundation is helping to ensure CON’s mission and legacy carry on for many generations to come.

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