2020 End-of-Year Appeal
Vellore CMC Foundation Seeking Support of Its Loyal Donors to Meet End-of Year Goals
2020 has been a challenging and rewarding year for the Foundation. True to its mission, the Foundation has focused its donor devel-opment and stewardship activities on sup-porting CMC’s efforts to prepare for and respond to the coronavirus pandemic. In addition, we have continued to support each of CMC’s equally important activities includ-ing the opening of the new Level One Trauma & Specialty Care Center, the enhancement of the departments of urology, pathology & hematology and each of its many programs that serve the needs of the poor.
Thoughtful & Transparent Stewardship
As promised, 100% of every gift made for a specific CMC program in 2020 has been transferred to CMC, along with an additional $300,000 from the Foundation’s undesignated funds—managed by the members of our Board of Directors. For these reasons, very little of the funds received this year have been used to support the day-to-day operational needs of the Foundation itself.
Thank You for Your Year-End Support!
During these final days of 2020, our request is that you consider making an additional charitable gift to the Foundation as you have done so generously in the past. Your gift, large or small, will make an enormous differ-ence in our ability to impact the quality of scientific research, medical education and patient care in Vellore, India and beyond.