Meet CMC's Alumni Global Leaders

2020 Annual Report Interview: Dr. Anindya Dutta


In his interview with Foundation Board Member, Dr. Honorine Ward (Batch ’69), Dr. Dutta discusses his work in advancing cancer research and the replication of cancer cells. Dr. Dutta serves as Professor and the Chair of the Department of Genetics at The University of Alabama at Birmingham.


Professor and the Chair for the Department of Genetics, The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Anindya Dutta is a molecular biologist and cancer researcher in the USA. He is currently the Chair of Genetics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, and was the Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 2011-2021. Dutta’s research has focused on genomic instability and on noncoding RNAs. He is particularly interested in how de-regulation of these processes promotes cancer progression. For his accomplishments he has been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, received the Ranbaxy Award (now called SunPharma Award) in Biomedical Sciences, the Outstanding Investigator Award from the American Society for Investigative Pathology, the Distinguished Scientist Award from the University of Virginia and the Mark Brothers Award from the Indiana University School of Medicine. He has trained over a hundred postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, MD students and undergraduates, nearly forty of whom now hold independent positions in academia or industry.