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Lecture Series: “Key Organizational Mindsets for Maximizing Social Impact”

Dr. Prashantham recently authored a Harvard Business Review article entitled “When Business As Usual Isn’t Working, Look to Nonprofits for Inspiration” that seeks to take insights from nonprofits and share them with for-profit businesses, and in doing so, distills 3 areas in which the Christian Medical College (CMC) excels. In this talk, Dr. Prashantham does the reverse: he takes business principles and acumen and applies these to nonprofits. He explores how cultivating intrapreneurs within, with an entrepreneurial mindset; engaging with partners on the outside, with a collaborative mindset; and searching widely for inspiration, with a global mindset, can benefit nonprofits, while taking into account specific organizational contexts, like culture, resource constraints and local realities.

Following this lecture is a questions & answers period in which Dr. Shameen Prashantham extemporaneously answers questions from the audience, as posed to him by George Varughese, Managing Director of Alvarez & Marsal in New York and CEO of A&M Securities.  

Born at the CMC and raised in Vellore, India, in the very building in which Ida Scudder founded the CMC as a one-bed dispensary in 1900, Dr. Shameen Prashantham is Professor of International Business & Strategy and Associate Dean of the MBA program at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai. 

Please stay tuned for more Vellore CMC Foundation programming featuring Dr. Prashantham’s findings and Dr. Prashantham’s upcoming book Gorillas Can Dance: Lessons from Microsoft and Other Corporations on Partnering with Startups, slated to be released in late September 2021.

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